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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Automobile Accident Lawsuits

Anyone who’s been involved in an automobile accident knows that you have to make some critical decisions immediately, at a time when you may not be thinking as clearly as you should. Statements you make in a state of confusion, fear, or anger can come back to haunt you, so say as little as possible at the scene of your accident.

Sometimes injuries aren’t apparent immediately after an accident. They may develop over several days time. Telling an officer or someone else that you are not hurt may not be accurate but will be documented.

To make matters worse, there is much you need to learn about the legalities and consequences of your accident and any injuries that resulted. While you have only a certain amount of time to file a lawsuit under your states' statute of limitations, bear in mind that other parties involved in this accident also have that amount of time to file a lawsuit. The full cost of someone’s injuries may incur over a lifetime, beyond the time allowed to file a lawsuit. If you are the injured party you will want to have your rights protected from the moment of the accident.

By seeing an attorney as soon after the accident as possible, you will be taking steps to collect and preserve evidence that may otherwise disappear. This evidence could be used to establish your claim or to protect you if a claim is filed against you. Since evidence begins to disappear as soon as the vehicles are moved from the scene, shortly after the accident occurs, statements documented by the officer are often the most complete information available regarding the accident. A good accident and injury lawyer can do much to preserve evidence that protects your rights to compensation.

If you have been in an automobile accident and feel you have a valid legal claim, please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a confidential consultation with one of our experienced auto accident attorneys.

posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 9:20 AM

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