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Friday, January 30, 2009

Woman Dies in Auto Accident While Bringing Friend to Hospital

Courtney Yanok, a 35-year-old woman, died from an auto accident in Cleveland. She was a passenger in the vehicle. She and the driver were rushing another friend to the hospital after an accidental overdose of prescription medications.

The car crashed into the exit ramp divider on the highway and turned onto its side. Yanok went into cardiac arrest and died shortly after arriving at the hospital. The woman who had eaten too many pills was treated by the hospital and released.

The vehicle's driver admitted that all three of them had been drinking alcohol before the accident and was arrested on aggravated vehicular homicide charges. It is still uncertain whether Yanok's family will file a wrongful death lawsuit against the driver.

When you have been seriously injured in an auto accident, it is essential to consult an experienced auto accident attorney. Often, insurance companies will go to great lengths to avoid paying out on auto accident settlements. Hiring an auto accident attorney will help ensure that your rights are defended and that you receive sufficient compensation to cover your medical expenses and any lost wages resulting from the accident.

If you have an auto accident claim, please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.

posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 12:53 PM

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