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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Domestic Violence Dispute Ends in Two Las Vegas Deaths

A man and a woman died after a domestic violence dispute in North Las Vegas escalated into a standoff with North Las Vegas Police officers and a SWAT team. The woman inside the apartment had called a friend. She said that she and her husband had argued and that he was holding a gun to her head. The woman’s friend then called the police to report the incident.

Officers arrived at the residence in about five minutes and knocked on the door. The man answered the door, but was “verbally combative” according to one officer at the scene.

The man later fired a shot out of an apartment window at officers. After hearing more shots fired inside the residence, officers called in a SWAT team for a hostage rescue.

When SWAT members entered the apartment, they found both the man and woman dead.

"I think that this just demonstrates how bad a domestic situation can go," an officer said. "For those in such a situation, seek help."

Domestic Violence and Physical Abuse

Any type of bodily harm is a crime, even within a relationship. Whether it occurs inside or outside of your home, the police have the authority to protect you from a physical attack.

Physical abuse is the use of force against someone in a way that injures or endangers that person. Types of abuse include:

 hitting
 grabbing
 throwing objects
 choking
 assault with a weapon

It isn’t easy to press charges against a spouse or partner in court after being their victim in domestic violence. It can be even more difficult to face them in court.

Statistically, victims of domestic violence live in fear and may never file a criminal case against their abuser. Studies show, however, that domestic violence most often does not resolve itself; you must take action.

If you or someone you love has suffered domestic abuse, an experienced trial lawyer who is aware of how sensitive your case may be can assist you in breaking free from a cycle of violence. Please contact The Cochran Firm in Las Vegas, Nevada to schedule a consultation so that you can be best represented in your case.


posted by Anonymous at 7:10 AM

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