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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Philadelphia Artisans Concerned About New Regulations

Local Philadelphia artisans are concerned that recent changes in Federal regulations could put them out of business.

In the aftermath of several product safety scares involving imported toys that contained dangerous chemicals, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) was passed in an attempt to increase the overall safety of consumer products, especially those created for children.

The CPSIA requires individual products to be safety tested. While on the surface this seems like a step forward, it could be devastating for small companies and crafters who sell their products through outlets such as eBay and Etsy. The cost of testing each individual product is prohibitive to most smaller crafters, and could leave them no longer able to sell their products at all. In addition, the added danger of severe product liability issues could also make it impossible for them to continue doing business.

Many small crafters, including Frank Burkhauser, who owns Spirit of the Artist on Pine Street, feel certifications of safety from companies that supply the materials from which his final products are constructed should be sufficient. In the wake of these various concerns, the Consumer Products Safety Commission has paced a stay of enforcement on the new rules, meaning they won’t be actively enforced until February of 2010.

While most artisans, crafters, and large-scale toy manufacturers are careful and conscientious about materials they use in their work, some are not. As parents, we trust in manufacturers to produce toys for our children. When this trust is broken, we have a right to compensation.

The skilled and experienced attorneys at the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania office of The Cochran Firm specialize in product liability cases. If your child has been exposed to dangerous chemicals due to unsafe toy manufacture, please contact The Cochran Firm at its Philadelphia, Pennsylvania location to schedule a confidential consultation.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 12:02 PM

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