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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bill to Place Caps on Nursing Home Abuse Settlements Fails

A bill to limit damage awards in nursing home abuse lawsuits failed to pass in the Tennessee state legislature. The bill failed on a tie vote that went entirely on partisan lines, with all three Republican members of the subcommittee voting for the bill and all three Democrats voting against it. The bill will most likely not be revisited before next year.

The proposed legislation would have placed a $300,000 cap on “non-economic” damages awarded in nursing home abuse lawsuits. Before the final vote, the bill was amended to raise the cap to $500,000. However, the increase was not enough to push the bill through the state legislature.

Proponents of the bill included lobbyists for the nursing home industry, who claim that the large number of nursing home abuse lawsuits brought by personal injury lawyers have diverted precious nursing home funds from the care of patients in order to cover the costs of these lawsuits.

Opponents of the bill included both trial lawyers and the AARP, who argued that the current system establishes greater accountability for nursing homes, which ultimately ensures better care for patients.

The nursing home abuse lawyers at The Cochran Firm have the skills, background, and experience necessary to help you receive the compensation you deserve when your loved one has suffered an injury due to the negligent care provided by a nursing home. Please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a consultation at one of our many offices nationwide.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 10:09 AM

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