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Monday, April 6, 2009

Spinal Cord Injuries

The spinal cord contains multiple nerves that serve as the messenger between the brain and the body. Every move we make as humans is delivered from our brain, through our spinal cord, to the appropriate destination, such as our arms or legs. The spinal cord plays a vital role in our day-to-day movements, and this is why spinal cord injuries most often result in partial or total loss of movement and feeling.

The location of the injury plays a large part in the effects suffered as a result. If the damage to the spinal cord at a lower point on our backs, there is usually loss of movement from the waist down, but if the injury is high up on the spinal cord, in the neck area, there is usually paralysis of all extremities from the neck down.

There are multiple causes of spinal cord injuries, including:
• Sports injuries
Slip and falls
Automobile accidents
• Acts of violence, such as a gunshot wound or stabbing
• Diseases, such as arthritis or cancer

Spinal cord injuries are not always immediately obvious. In some cases paralysis or loss of feeling may result immediately after the trauma; however, in other cases, the symptoms of a spinal cord injury may slowly become more debilitating as the swelling in the spinal cord increases over days.

If you or a loved has suffered from a spinal cord injury, please contact the experienced spinal cord injury attorneys at The Cochran Firm, operating numerous offices nationwide, today.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 7:08 AM

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