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Friday, July 31, 2009

Texting Drastically Raises Risk of Auto Accident

A new study conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute has found that texting while driving increases your risk of an auto accident exponentially compared with other driving distractions. This study, which is the first to evaluate the dangers of texting behind the wheel, points out the importance of refraining from engaging in this dangerous behavior while driving.

The study examined the texting behavior of truck drivers over an 18 month period. Cameras were inserted into the cabs of semi-trucks to evaluate both their use of texting and the way it affected their attention to the road.

The study found that drivers had a 23 times greater risk of getting into a truck accident while texting. Furthermore, drivers spent approximately five seconds looking at their cell phones on average while texting. This is enough time to drive more than the length of a football field at high speeds.

Researchers also found that the texting behavior of truckers closely mirrors that of automobile drivers. While trucks are far less maneuverable than cars and take longer to stop, the Virginia Tech study estimates that the risk to car drivers would be roughly similar to what they found among truck drivers. Furthermore, they found that the increased risk of accident caused by texting far surpasses the risk caused by other distractions.

Currently, only 14 states ban texting while driving. Hopefully, this study will convince other states to follow suit. The safety of our nation's drivers is at stake.

If you have suffered a serious personal injury in an auto accident caused by the negligence of another driver, the experienced attorneys at The Cochran Firm can help you receive the compensation you deserve. Please contact our auto accident attorneys today to schedule a free initial consultation. We serve clients nationwide.

posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 10:25 AM

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