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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Medical Malpractice in Washington, D.C.

Thousands of Americans become victims of medical malpractice and negligence every day in this country. It is estimated that over 250,000 people die every year across the country from the consequences of medical malpractice such as botched surgeries, misdiagnoses, delayed diagnoses, medication errors and infections contracted in hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

Although not all errors committed in a medical setting rise to the level of medical malpractice and negligence, it is vitally important to know that the laws pertaining to medical malpractice are there to protect you in case you do become a victim.

The five diseases or medical conditions most connected to allegations of medical malpractice are breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, myocardial infarction (heart attack) and appendicitis. Delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis of these diseases or conditions may result in a delay in the appropriate treatment or no treatment at all which of course can result in death.

Financial compensation in the case of medical malpractice or negligence may include payment for pain and suffering, medical expenses, loss of income and future earning potential and in the event of a death, the survivors are also entitled to compensation.

If you live in Washington, D.C. and you or someone you care about has been the victim of medical malpractice and negligence, please contact the experienced medical malpractice attorneys at The Cochran Firm today.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 1:18 PM

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