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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Elder Abuse in San Francisco/Oakland, California

The abuse of vulnerable elderly people in nursing homes or their own homes can take many forms. Physical abuse is relatively easy to detect, but abuse in form of financial exploitation of the elderly is an insidious abuse that hides in the shadows, masquerading as care and concern.

Financial exploitation of the elderly occurs when someone entrusted with the care of the elderly and vulnerable steals, withholds or misuses that person's money, property or valuables for their own benefit or profit without the elderly person's permission or knowledge.
Some instances of financial exploitation may include a person taking money, property or valuables without permission or the awareness of the elderly, borrowing money with no intention of paying it back, selling the elderly person's possessions without permission, misusing credit or ATM cards, forging signatures on checks and documents.

The caregiver typically uses emotional deceit and subtle intimidation practices to control the assets of the elderly often promising life-long personal care in return for financial control of bank accounts or being designated the beneficiary in a will or on life insurance policy. In some instances, the victim is totally unaware of the abuse being perpetrated on them and will often defend their abusers to all who inquire.

If you suspect your elderly family member or friend is the victim of financial exploitation by a caretaker entrusted with their well-being, please contact the Oakland, California office of The Cochran Firm today to protect their legal rights and hold those responsible for this abuse accountable.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 1:09 PM

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