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Monday, December 7, 2009

Police Brutality in Sacramento, California

Police brutality incidents have made headlines on television news channels and in newspapers across the country for years. Recently, citizens have begun to fight back against the injustice of police brutality and the police officers who abuse their power and take advantage of those they are supposed to serve and protect. Citizens are filing lawsuits against the offending officers, police departments and communities where illegal police tactics have occurred.

The use of force to protect innocent victims of crime is definitely warranted and needed at certain times and we all look to the police force to protect us and bring criminals to justice. However, there have been documented times when members of the police force crossed the line and took advantage of their position to inflict harm on undeserving victims.

Police brutality takes on many forms that can include racial profiling, corruption, harassment, physical assault, verbal abuse, rape and shootings. The majority of citizens who are the victims of police brutality are minorities and working-class or so-called blue-collar workers. People who have been victims of police brutality in the past also include peaceful protestors, innocent on-lookers and people in police custody who have yet to be charged or convicted of a crime.

The police are not above the law and must be held accountable for illegal acts committed in the name of "just doing their job."

If you or someone you care about has been the victim of police brutality in any form, please contact the Sacramento, California office of The Cochran Firm today.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 9:29 AM

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