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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Automobile Accidents and DUI in Metairie, Louisiana

Describing an alcohol or drug-related collision as an accident is really inaccurate because that impaired driver made a deliberate choice to drive under the influence and put other people's lives at risk. Driving drunk or under the influence of illegal or prescription drugs greatly increases the risk of a serious accident involving injuries and fatalities and everyone who gets behind the wheel of a vehicle knows that.

A driving under the influence (DUI) automobile accident is one of the most senseless tragedies that could have been totally avoided if only another choice had been made. A startling statistic states that a so-called "first time drunk driver" offender has actually driven drunk almost ninety times before being caught.

If you were injured by a drunk driver, you have the legal right to seek financial compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering and punitive damages under Louisiana law from the drunk driver. If a loved one was killed by a drunk driver, our Louisiana DUI accident attorneys at The Cochran Firm can protect your family's legal rights to a wrongful death claim.

If you live in Metairie, Louisiana or the surrounding area, and you have been victimized by a drunk driver, please contact The Cochran Firm today so you can have the benefit of our highly skilled lawyers working to ensure those responsible for your losses are held accountable.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:12 AM

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