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Friday, February 12, 2010

Toyota in Process of Fixing Gas Pedal Defect

Toyota has found a solution to the sticking gas pedal defect that caused millions of its most popular vehicles to be recalled; the nation's number one seller, the Camry, was included in the massive recall. The solution involves reinforcing the pedal assembly in a way that eliminates friction that caused the accelerators to stick. Replacement parts are being shipped to dealers and employees will be working around the clock to fix the defective vehicles. Owners of the defective vehicles will be contacted as early as this week and will be told when to bring their vehicle in for repairs. Toyota will cover all costs to fix the defect.

The repair, which involves installing a steel reinforcement bar into the accelerator pedal assembly to reduce surface tension and prevent friction, only takes about thirty minutes. Dealerships will be open seven days a week, extended hours to get all vehicles fixed in a timely manner.

If you or a loved one has been harmed due to a defect in a vehicle or some other product, please contact the defective product attorneys at The Cochran Firm, with offices nationwide, today to schedule a confidential, no-cost consultation.

posted by Tiffany at 3:49 PM

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