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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Defective Toyota Vehicles and Car Accidents in Chicago, Illinois

Following a massive recall by Toyota Motor Corporation of many of its vehicles for floor mats that interfere with gas pedals and sticking gas pedals that cause unwanted acceleration, Chicago area residents are filing lawsuits claiming the defects led to accidents that resulted in serious injuries and deaths.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has also received complaints regarding the brakes on some Toyota vehicles and is launching an investigation into the matter. Toyota owners are becoming increasingly upset and fearful of even driving their cars and many have parked them and turned to rental cars for safety reasons.

An investigation has revealed that Toyota has refused to provide important information sought by crash victims and survivors after an automobile accident involving a Toyota vehicle’ and when Toyota was pressed to provide the requested information either settled out of court or provided information with key facts blacked-out in the documents.

Our defective vehicle attorneys at The Cochran Firm have years of experience dealing with automobile manufacturers corporate legal teams and their delaying tactics and will work diligently to ensure our clients receive the best legal representation available in their fight for the financial compensation they deserve for the damages they have suffered.

If you have been in a car accident in the Chicago, Illinois area that may have resulted from a defective Toyota vehicle, please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a no cost to you confidential consultation to protect your legal rights and hold those responsible legally liable.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 1:49 PM

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