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Monday, March 29, 2010

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The "City of Brotherly Love" has a problem with abuse and neglect of its elderly population in nursing homes and assisted living centers. Nursing home abuse and neglect of the elderly is often covered-up by the staff and unreported by the victims who are either incapable of giving voice to their abuse or afraid of the repercussions if they tell.

It is reported that over 85% of cases of nursing home abuse and neglect go unreported or unrecognized. Deaths in nursing homes are rarely investigated and almost never prosecuted. Abuse and neglect takes many forms and is seen as physical, emotional, verbal and sexual abuse, unnecessary use of physical restraints and the overuse of medication to keep the residents compliant. Withholding food and water and poor personal care along with financial exploitation encompass other forms of abuse our elders suffer at the hands of undertrained and heartless nursing home and assisted living center staffers.

The nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys at The Cochran Firm have the resources and the will to investigate and evaluate cases of nursing home abuse and neglect and will work hard to ensure the people responsible for these injustices are made to pay for their abuse and neglect. Our attorneys have successfully litigated many cases of nursing home abuse and neglect for our clients and have ensured that the residents’ legal rights are protected under the law.

If you live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or the surrounding area and you suspect someone you love is the victim of nursing home abuse and neglect, please contact The Cochran Firm today.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 2:34 PM

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