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Monday, March 1, 2010

Premises Liability in Las Vegas, Nevada

All property owners are obligated by law to provide a safe environment for the public and premises liability laws are meant to enforce this legal liability if someone is injured in an accident on their property.

Some examples of accidents that come under premises liability laws include slip, trip and fall accidents, criminal assaults caused by a lack of adequate security, injuries sustained in a fire in a hotel or other public building, being struck by a falling object in a retail store or injuries sustained on an escalator in a shopping mall.

A determining factor for legal responsibility for your injuries is whether or not the owner of the property was aware of the dangerous or hazardous condition which caused your accident, and whether a realistic effort was made to correct that hazard, or a reasonable assumption that the owner should have been aware of the hazardous condition and failed to correct it.

The premises liability attorneys at The Cochran Firm have extensive experience in investigating and evaluating premises liability claims and in securing financial compensation for their clients that may include payment for current and future medical expenses, income losses and pain and suffering.

Please contact the Las Vegas, Nevada office of The Cochran Firm today if you have been injured in an accident on someone else’s property to learn how to proceed to protect your legal rights.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 8:06 AM

1.800.THE FIRM | 1.800.843.3476

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