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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Train Accidents in Dallas, Texas

Trains have a vital role in the economic health of this country because they are capable of transporting goods over long distances at a reasonable cost.

According to the Texas Department of Transportation a train is involved in an accident with a passenger vehicle or pedestrian every two hours somewhere in the United States. Accidents involving trains are often serious because a train weighs on average, four thousand times more than a passenger vehicle, and can take more than a mile to come to a stop. More than half of all train accidents occur at unprotected railroad crossings. The Federal government reports that 80% of all railroad crossings have inadequate or non-existent warning devices.

Dealing with the aftermath of a train accident involves numerous state and federal laws and the knowledge and experience of the train accident attorneys at The Cochran Firm will involve immediate and compassionate attention to your case. The physical and emotional damage to an individual involved in an accident with a train are shocking, and often involve traumatic brain injuries, amputation of limbs, severe burns and massive soft tissue trauma.

If you live in the Dallas, Texas area and you or someone you love was injured or killed in an accident with a train, please contact the experienced train accident attorneys at The Cochran Firm today to hold those legally responsible accountable for your losses.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 9:15 AM

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