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Friday, May 21, 2010

Viagra Linked to Hearing Loss

Viagra is often called a wonder drug by many men suffering from erectile dysfunction. While it has given many middle-age men the ability to once again enjoy having sex, it also comes with an array of harmful side effects that may adversely impact your life in serious ways. There is now a new side effect to add to this list – hearing loss.

This week, the Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery published research linking long-term hearing loss to the consumption of Viagra. The study was conducted at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and examined 11,525 men. According to the study, men who self-reported hearing problems were two times as likely to have used Viagra as men who did not self-report hearing loss. The association with long-term hearing loss was stronger for Viagra than for other erectile dysfunction medications such as Cialis and Levitra.

Other harmful side effects linked to Viagra include:

· Headaches

· Facial flushing

· Upset stomach

· Erections lasting longer than four hours

However, the most serious side effect associated with Viagra has been a sudden loss of vision. Now, with the discovery that Viagra may result in hearing loss, it is possible for the drug to impair two of your five senses. This is a very serious risk for an erectile dysfunction medication.

If you have suffered hearing loss or vision loss from taking Viagra, the defective product attorneys at the Cochran Firm can help you receive compensation for your damages.

Please contact our defective product lawyers today to schedule your free initial consultation. The Cochran Firm has offices nationwide.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 9:00 AM

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