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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Truck Accidents in Detroit, Michigan

Trucks hurtling down our highways are a necessary evil in modern day America. Trucks are responsible for the delivery of essential goods and products to every corner of this country and are part of the fabric of our economy.

Sharing our roadways with trucks can be an intimidating experience for many people and if you have ever witnessed a truck accident or been involved in an accident with a truck you know your life can be changed forever in a split second by the forces involved in a collision with a vehicle the size and weight of a commercial truck.

Over three million trucks are on our roads every day so the possibility of encountering a truck driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs, fatigued from too many hours behind the wheel or just poorly trained is almost predictable.

The experienced truck accident attorneys at The Cochran Firm have decades of knowledge behind them when dealing with the aftermath of an accident involving a truck, and have had great success investigating and litigating truck accidents and holding those responsible financially liable for our clients’ injuries and losses.

If you live in Detroit, Michigan or the surrounding area and you or someone you love has been injured in a truck accident, please contact the experienced truck accident attorneys at The Cochran Firm today and get the legal representation needed to pursue financial compensation for your injuries and losses from our hardworking and dedicated staff.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 10:55 AM

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