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Friday, July 30, 2010

7 Children Injured in Auto Accident

Seven children were injured in an SUV rollover accident yesterday in New Hampshire. In total, there were ten people injured in the auto accident. Police say none of the injuries were serious.

The seven children were being transported in a Jeep. As the Jeep drove through an intersection, it was hit by a Ford Taurus turning left. The Jeep rolled over into a parking lot and hit a parked car.

The seven children in the Jeep were all between the ages of one and twelve. The woman driving the Jeep runs a private day care facility. She was on her way to a dentist appointment for one of the children in her charge. Police are currently investigating why eight people were traveling in a vehicle that only contains five seatbelts.

The driver and all seven children were taken to local hospitals for treatment. The woman driving the Ford Taurus and her 93-year-old passenger were also taken to a nearby hospital. The cause of the auto accident is still being investigated.

If you have been injured in an auto accident caused by the negligence of another driver, the experienced auto accident attorneys at The Cochran Firm can help you receive compensation for your damages.

Please contact our auto accident attorneys today to schedule your free initial consultation. We serve clients nationwide.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 8:59 AM

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