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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Slip and Fall Accidents in Detroit, Michigan

Slip and fall accidents are responsible for millions of injuries in the United States annually. The very young and the elderly are at the highest risk for sustaining an injury in a slip and fall accident.

The injuries suffered in a slip and fall accident may include simple scrapes and bruises to broken bones, traumatic brain or spinal cord injuries that can cause lifelong disabilities or even death. Property owners have a legal obligation to keep their properties safe and free of hazardous conditions for all those who have access to their property whether it is a business, a municipality or a personal residence.

If you were injured in a slip and fall accident you may be eligible to be financially compensated for your injuries and the losses you have suffered due to that injury such as lost income, current and future medical expenses, rehabilitation costs and your pain and suffering. The experienced slip and fall injury attorneys at The Cochran Firm have the knowledge and understanding of slip and fall injury cases to ensure you get the financial compensation you need to regain the quality of life you enjoyed before your injury occurred.

If you or someone you care about was injured in a slip and fall accident in the Detroit, Michigan area, please contact the experienced slip and fall injury attorneys at The Cochran Firm today to make sure you get the financial compensation you deserve while you concentrate on healing and resuming your life as you knew it before you were injured.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:05 AM

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