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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Motorcycle Accidents in Sacramento, California

Motorcycle accidents often result in serious injury to the motorcycle rider because they are very vulnerable to injuries since motorcycles do not have built-in physical protective frames, seat belts or air bags. Catastrophic injuries such as traumatic brain trauma, spinal cord injuries and loss of limbs are common in motorcycle accidents.

The failure of other drivers to see a motorcyclist on the road is a primary cause of many motorcycle accidents. Many motorcycle accidents are the fault of negligence and carelessness on the part of other drivers, with intersections being the most dangerous places for motorcyclists to traverse.

If you are injured in a motorcycle accident you should protect your legal rights as well as seek immediate medical attention. Call 911 and make sure a police report is filed so there is an official record of your accident. Obtain all pertinent information from others involved or witnesses. It is essential to retain all the clothing you were wearing at the time of the accident as it may be important evidence in a future legal action.

The experienced motorcycle accident attorneys at The Cochran Firm have the knowledge and resources to investigate the scene of a motorcycle accident to establish liability due to possible speeding, driving recklessly or inattentively and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

If you live in the Sacramento, California area and you or someone you love was injured or killed in a motorcycle accident, please contact the experienced motorcycle accident attorneys at The Cochran Firm today and get the help you need and deserve to protect your legal rights.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 8:47 AM

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