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Monday, December 22, 2014

Pregnancy Discrimination

A jury in California has awarded a former AutoZone employee $185 million for discrimination she faced at work while pregnant. The jury found that the discrimination against this employee was systemic – extending all the way to the corporate office – and therefore deserving a settlement that helped set future corporate policy.
As with many other forms of workplace sexual harassment, this employee was better served by taking legal action than trying to solve things on her own. Many corporations have shown a willingness to dismiss or further harass and humiliate employees who step forward, making it necessary to seek legal representation as soon as possible following any type of workplace discrimination.
The experienced employment law attorneys at The Cochran Firm strongly believe that everyone is deserving of a safe and fair work environment. If you believe your rights have been violated or if you have faced harassment based on your sex, gender, or any other reason, we are here to take your case, protect your rights, and help ensure that justice is served.
To schedule your free consultation with one of our sexual harassment attorneys, please contact The Cochran Firm today. We maintain offices throughout the country to provide legal representation for workers across the nation.  

posted by Admin at 10:58 AM

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