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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Summer Car Crashes Can Be Different

It's the day after Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial start of the summer driving season. As the season gets underway, remember that driving conditions in the summer are different. There are many reasons why you might be more likely to get into a car accident over the summer, more reasons to be cautious when you get in your car and drive.

More Cars: Between vacations and cruising teenagers, more people drive - and drive more - during the summer than the winter. With more volume, you're likely to see crowding in places that can contribute to more accidents.

Drivers in Unfamiliar Territory: Whether you live in a tourist town or just Anyburg, USA, you are likely to see more people driving around that don't know where they're going. They may be visiting family or going to a tourist destination, but wherever they are, these drivers often behave unpredictably, and spend too much time navigating to avoid you. This makes it your responsibility to watch out for them.

Different Vehicles: In the summer, the distribution of vehicles on the road completely changes. People break out their motorcycles, antique roadsters, go-karts, and any other kind of vehicle you can think of. Motorcycle accidents increase in the summer, but so do other types of accidents. Drivers are encouraged to watch out for unusual vehicles that may travel slowly, and try not to be too distracted by the traffic menagerie. Summer is also moving season, so be on the lookout for people driving with large loads. Also, truck accidents involving drivers in rental trucks that are unfamiliar are not uncommon.

Summer driving can be fun for you and your family, and if you use extra caution, chances are it will be safe. But if you or someone you love has been injured in a summer car accident, schedule a car accident consultation with the injury lawsuit attorneys at The Cochran Firm today.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:11 AM

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