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Monday, May 18, 2009

Wrongful Death in Sacramento, California

A wrongful death lawsuit claims a person died as a result of the negligence or actions of someone else, and that the person's survivors are entitled to monetary damages.
Spouses, children and parents can file wrongful death claims in most cases. Wrongful death lawsuits can be brought against the driver at fault in a motor vehicle accident, a negligent employer, the manufacturer of a defective or dangerous product or the perpetrator of a violent crime.

A wrongful death can leave those left to grieve in an extremely difficult situation. There are often legal, emotional and financial problems to deal with during a very trying time, a time when most people are just not able to handle these problems alone. An experienced attorney can assist you at this trying time. There is a time limit imposed on the filing of a wrongful death claim.

Most wrongful death cases involve negligence in a motor vehicle accident, a work-related accident, medical malpractice or defective products. Laws vary from state to state and are very complex.

If you live in Sacramento, California or the surrounding area and someone you love died due to the negligence or actions of someone else, please contact an experienced wrongful death attorney at the Cochran Firm's Sacramento office today to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you to learn about your legal rights in this matter and whether you are entitled to compensation for your loss.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 12:25 PM

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