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Monday, May 18, 2009

Wrongful Death in Miami, Florida

The definition of a wrongful death is the death was a result of negligence or the actions of another, and the surviving dependents, beneficiaries or heirs are entitled to monetary damages or financial compensation. Unfortunately, thousands of wrongful deaths occur in this country every year.

Some of the most common causes of wrongful death are motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice and construction or jobsite-related accidents. When someone dies as a result of the negligence of another party or parties, medical malpractice, or the actions of someone else, the family of the victim is entitled to file a wrongful death lawsuit against those responsible. Damages in wrongful death cases are awarded for medical expenses, lost wages, funeral expenses and other costs.

A wrongful death leaves those left behind emotionally and financially devastated. Laws governing wrongful death cases are complex. Every wrongful death case is different and must be examined in great detail by an experienced and highly-trained attorney to protect your rights. Also, there are time limits to observe in filing a wrongful death lawsuit which an experienced attorney will explain to you.

If you live in Miami, Florida or the surrounding area and someone you love has died due to the actions of another, please contact an experienced wrongful death attorney at The Cochran Firm's Miami office today to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you to learn all about your legal rights and what compensation you are entitled to.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:37 AM

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