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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Construction Site Accidents in Metairie, Louisiana

Construction sites are statistically very dangerous places. Thousands of construction workers are injured on the job in this country every year. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates over one thousand construction workers suffer fatal injuries annually.

Some common causes for construction site accidents are inadequate safety procedures, negligence, defective machinery and equipment and violations of OSHA regulations. Injuries at a construction site can range from bruises and lacerations to broken bones, head and spinal injuries, severe burns, crush injuries, electrocution, loss of limbs, paralysis and death.

Falls are the most common causes of injuries at construction sites. Workers fall off scaffolding, ladders, roofs and down elevator shafts. Construction site safety is the responsibility of the owners of the property, contractors, architects and the manufacturers of the construction machinery and equipment. Although there are strict guidelines governing the workplace on a construction site, workers are seriously injured and killed every day. Construction site accidents involve complicated liability laws that an experienced attorney can explain to you.

If you live in Metairie, Louisiana or the surrounding area and you or someone you care about was injured or killed on a construction site, please contact the Metairie, Louisiana office of The Cochran Firm today to schedule a confidential consultation with an experienced construction site accident lawyer, at no cost to you, to protect your legal rights.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 2:19 PM

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