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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Slip and Fall in Las Vegas, Nevada

Over 8,000,000 people are injured in slip and fall accidents every year in this country. Falls are the leading cause of injuries due to accidents. Property owners have a legal obligation to maintain their properties so they do not present a hazard to the public.

Fall-related injuries are a real concern for senior citizens. Over 16,000 older adults die each year from fall related injuries. Almost 2,000,000 people age 65 or older are treated in emergency rooms for fall-related injuries annually with half that number being hospitalized.

Some conditions that could present a hazard are poorly lit walkways or stairs, uneven sidewalks, slippery or wet floors, and torn or rippled carpeting. The injuries sustained in a slip and fall accident can range from scrapes and bruises to broken bones, brain and spinal injuries that cause permanent disabilities and even death.

If you were injured in a slip and fall accident, you may be able to seek compensation for your losses involving medical expenses, lost income, lost potential for future income, rehabilitation costs and pain and suffering.

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident in Las Vegas, Nevada you should contact the Las Vegas office of The Cochran Firm to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you to learn about your legal rights.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 2:05 PM

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