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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Truck Accidents in Dallas, Texas

Many truck accidents are due to driver error. Some of the most common behaviors exhibited by truck drivers are speeding, aggressive or reckless driving, pushing to meet deadlines, and driving while fatigued. Add poor truck maintenance, road hazards and tire and equipment failures to the mix and you will understand why truck accidents almost always involve serious injuries and deaths.

Truck accidents commonly cause spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, the loss of limbs, severe burns, paralysis and death. In a startling statistic it is revealed that over 94% of the occupants of a vehicle involved in an accident with a truck are either injured or killed.

Being involved in an accident with a truck really means you have been in an accident with a large corporation with an even larger staff of lawyers seeking to blame you for the accident. You need an experienced truck accident lawyer on your side from the beginning to level the playing field. You should be fully compensated for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost income and future lost earning potential. Your family should be compensated in the event of your death as a result of the accident.

If you live in Dallas, Texas or the surrounding area and you or someone you care about was injured or killed in a truck accident, please contact the Dallas, Texas office of The Cochran Firm today to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you with an experienced truck accident attorney to protect your legal rights.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:55 AM

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