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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Surgical Medical Malpractice in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Surgical medical malpractice results in a high number of deaths in this country annually. Half of all malpractice lawsuits each year involve surgeons.

Surgical procedures most commonly involved in surgical medical malpractice cases include cosmetic surgery procedures, LASIK eye surgery, gastric bypass surgeries, and orthopedic surgeries.

Errors can occur with the wrong part of the body being operated on, the wrong limb amputated, surgical instruments left in the body, anesthesia problems, and problems in recovery with infections and medications.

Most surgical medical malpractice involves the surgeon, the anesthesiologist or the hospital staff. Patients and their family members should not have to suffer emotionally, physically and financially for the mistakes of others.

Compensation for surgical medical malpractice can include damages for medical expenses, pain and suffering, loss of income, loss of future earning potential and in the event of a death, final expenses. Survivors may also be entitled to compensation in the event of a death. Protect your legal rights by consulting an experienced surgical medical malpractice lawyer.

If you live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or the surrounding area and you or someone you care about has been the victim of surgical medical malpractice, please contact the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania office of The Cochran Firm today to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you to protect your legal rights.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 3:00 PM

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