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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Maryland Editor Killed in Car/Truck Accident

The business editor of the Baltimore Sun Times was killed and his daughter seriously injured in a car accident Monday morning. He was performing a left turn when his vehicle was struck in the driver's side by a UPS truck. The editor was killed and his daughter suffered serious head injuries. Although it is typically assumed that the left-turning motorist is at fault for most accidents, it is too early to determine whether this is the case or not.

Local residents say that defective roadways may partly be to blame, since a traffic light installed at the intersection where the accident occurred has been observed to cause dangerous behavior. At most times, the light is a flashing caution light, but during morning and evening commute times, the light turns solid red one direction and solid green the other, which local residents say encourages drivers to recklessly speed through the intersection.

The accident may also be due to dangerous driving on the part of the UPS truck driver. Delivery truck drivers sometimes feel pressure to complete their rounds rapidly, which can make them less cautious of other drivers and increase the likelihood of deadly truck accidents. At the time of the accident, the car would have had a flashing red light and the UPS truck a flashing yellow.

If you have lost a family member in an accident that you believe is the result of the other driver's negligence, The Cochran Firm can help. Please call or email the Washington, D.C. office of The Cochran Firm today for a free case evaluation.

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posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 8:46 AM

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