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Friday, November 6, 2009

Automobile Accidents in San Francisco/Oakland, California

Automobile accidents have many causes, such as distracted drivers using cell phones or dealing with unruly children in the backseat, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, speeding, reckless driving, hazardous weather or road conditions and failure to obey traffic lights and road signs.

Millions of people are involved in automobile accidents every year in the United States with an accident occurring every ten seconds. These accidents account for over three million injured and over forty-four thousand deaths. Almost all automobile accidents involve a degree of negligent behavior with driver error being a major contributing factor.

Automobile accidents are becoming more common as drivers are becoming more distracted and paying less attention to actually driving the car, leaving accident victims seriously injured and financially devastated or dead.

If you are involved in an automobile accident remain calm, check everyone involved for injuries, call 911. Do not leave the scene of the accident until the authorities arrive, notify your insurance company and your attorney. An experienced automobile accident attorney such as those at The Cochran Firm will make sure you are legally represented and your rights are protected.

If you live in the San Francisco/Oakland, California area and you were involved in an automobile accident, please contact The Cochran Firm today and obtain the legal counsel you will need to guide you through the complex issues you will certainly encounter.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 3:21 PM

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