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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Automobile Accidents and Texting in Dallas, Texas

Texting while driving can lead to a fatal distraction. Millions of Americans are hooked on texting and using their cell phones at the expense of others on the roadways. "Intextication" like drunk driving, causes slower driver reaction times, weaving in and out of lanes and the general risky driving behaviors often associated with intoxicated drivers.

According to a recent Virginia Tech Transportation Institute study the risk of an automobile accident is 23 times greater while a driver is texting. Texting causes a driver to divert their eyes from the road for at least five-second intervals, the length of a football field when traveling at highway speeds.

Text-messaging is increasing dramatically with more than 135 billion text messages sent in the period of one month in 2009, a 19-fold increase over four years earlier according to a wireless industry group that supports bans on texting while driving.

Public outrage and common sense are having an effect on lawmakers in many states, causing bans on texting and phoning while driving to be implemented so the laws in reference to texting while driving are changing daily. An experienced automobile accident attorney familiar with Texas texting laws like those at The Cochran Firm are a valuable asset to you if you were involved in an accident with a texting driver.

If you live in the Dallas, Texas area and you were in an automobile accident with a texting driver, please contact The Cochran Firm today to protect your legal rights and get the financial compensation you deserve.


posted by Erica at 12:26 PM

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