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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Landlord/Tenant Disputes in the Latino Community Nationwide

If you are dealing with broken plumbing, heating, or other unsafe building conditions in your rented apartment building or rented house and are being ignored by your landlord, help is on the way.

Problems with leaky roofs, and malfunctioning heating systems or water heaters are the responsibility of the landlord. If your concerns about your living conditions are being ignored, there are legal actions you can take to make things better. Your landlord must make necessary repairs to make your living conditions meet local housing codes and to ensure the premises are safe. In a landlord/tenant dispute, the law is on your side. There are legal rights that protect tenants from being exploited by their landlords and it is important that you know what those legal rights are and you take advantage of the full protection of the law.

Headquartered in Metairie, Louisiana, but connected to a nationwide network of attorneys, the Latino Section of The Cochran Firm is ready to help the victims of oppression across this country, standing by our commitment to uphold civil rights for all. The Cochran Firm Latino Section is dedicated to ensuring equal treatment under the law for all.

If you have attempted to resolve a landlord/tenant dispute with no results, please contacto the experienced landlord-tenant dispute attorneys with offices nationwide at el Bufete de Abogados Cochran today to schedule a no cost to you consultation to learn how to solve your problem quickly and successfully.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 1:18 PM

1.800.THE FIRM | 1.800.843.3476

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