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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Premises Liability in Tuskegee, Alabama

According to Alabama premises liability laws, property owners can be held legally responsible for an injury caused by dangerous conditions that exist on their premises. All property owners must take appropriate action to prevent accidents from occurring on their properties.

One of the most common accidents is a trip, slip and fall accident on an icy or wet walkway, a broken stairway or a slippery floor. Slipping, tripping and falling on a wet surface or broken pavement or hurtling down a flight of broken steps can cause serious injuries. Poor lighting in a parking garage or the lack of security in a hotel hallway can lead to a physical or sexual assault that results in massive trauma or wrongful death.

The experienced Alabama premises liability attorneys at The Cochran Firm can determine whether property owner liability was a factor in your accident or assault and help you recover financial compensation for medical expenses, lost income, your pain and suffering and other costs due to your injury. Your case will be handled by our experienced premises liability attorneys who will work conscientiously to ensure your get the financial compensation and personal attention you deserve.

If you live in the Tuskegee, Alabama area and you or someone you care about was injured or assaulted on someone else's property, please contact The Cochran Firm today to learn what you can do to recover the losses you have suffered due to your injuries.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:52 AM

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