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Monday, January 11, 2010

Tips to Avoid Truck Accidents

According to a report published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 5,000 people die each year in truck accidents in the United States. The NHTSA reports that when a car is involved in a collision with a truck, 98% of people in the car are killed. For obvious reasons, passenger cars usually are typically severely damaged when involved in a an accident with a truck, but there are steps you can take to minimize your chances of being involved in a truck accident.

Avoid the blind spots of the truck driver. You may think that because truck drivers are so high up, they can see everything; that is simply not true. Trucks have large blind spots; for that reason, you will often see the sign on trucks indicating that if you cannot see the truck driver in his side view mirror, then he cannot see you.
Give trucks plenty of room to turn.
Stay 4-5 seconds behind a truck.
Put your lights on as you pass a truck as this helps the truck driver see you.
Pass with care. If a truck driver blinks his lights, he wants you to pass. Blink back to let him know you saw his signal.
When you pass a truck, make sure you pass it enough to see its headlights in your rearview mirror before you get back into your lane.
Keep in mind that trucks always need twice as much stopping distance as cars, so leave plenty of room between you and a truck. Always use more caution in bad weather or at night.

If you have been involved in a truck accident, you will need an experienced truck accident attorney on your side. Please contact the truck accident attorneys at The Cochran Firm, with offices nationwide, today to schedule a confidential, no-cost consultation.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 7:58 AM

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