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Monday, February 15, 2010

Trains Collide in Belgium, Killing 18 and Injuring 55

Two trains collided head-on in the town of Halle; at the time of this writing, the cause of the collision is still unknown. It was snowing at the time of the crash but not a great deal of snow was coming down. It took about 30 minutes for rescue crews to arrive at the horrific scene; some passengers did not even know there had been a head-on crash.

The collision occurred during the morning rush hour.

Nine years ago, eight people died in a train collision in Belgium. It was suggested that the cause of the crash was a language issue between a French-speaking signalman and a Flemish-speaking one.

Monday’s train collision is one of the deadliest train accidents in Europe.

If you have suffered or if a loved one has been killed in a train accident anywhere in the United States, please contact the experienced train accident attorneys at The Cochran Firm; we can help.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:48 AM

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