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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Defective Drugs in Detroit, Michigan

All prescription drugs have side effects, but defective drugs can have life-threatening and fatal side effects even when taken as directed by your physician. Defective drugs can cause heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, birth defects, liver damage, pulmonary dysfunction and death.

Defective drugs can be found in all areas of pharmaceuticals, and include prescription medication for arthritis pain, cholesterol lowering drugs, diet drugs, oral contraceptives, anti-depressants, some vaccines and many other types of drugs.

If you or someone you love has been injured or killed due to the use of a defective drug, the drug company has failed to provide a safe product and should be held legally liable for your injuries. Lawsuits involving defective drugs can be complex and require a legal team ready and willing to take on the giant drug conglomerates. The defective drug attorneys at The Cochran Firm have the expertise and knowledge to bring your claim against the drug company to a successful conclusion and get you the financial compensation you deserve.

Residents of Detroit, Michigan and the surrounding area, who have been injured by a defective drug, please contact The Cochran Firm today and allow the defective drug attorneys there to evaluate your case and learn what you can do to get the financial compensation and justice you have a legal right to and in so doing, prevent others from also being injured by these defective drugs.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 7:43 AM

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