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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kidney Dialysis Errors in Miami, Florida

There are thousands of cases of kidney dialysis errors committed every year in the United States. Kidney dialysis errors include mistakes in the administration of medications, vascular access injuries, excessive blood loss, the failure to properly monitor vital signs, inadequate supervision leading to patient falls, and improper maintenance of kidney dialysis machines. Though kidney disease is a killer, errors in kidney dialysis treatment are responsible for serious injuries and unnecessary deaths also.

If you are a person on kidney dialysis treatments or you care about a person who is on kidney dialysis treatments it is vitally important you make yourself aware of what good medical treatment should consist of. It is not safe to trust the kidney dialysis treatment center to do a good job without first educating yourself to the potential risks involved.

Kidney dialysis patients who believe that they have received inadequate or negligent care at a kidney dialysis treatment center should consult with an experienced kidney dialysis medical malpractice attorney at The Cochran Firm. When kidney dialysis machines are in the hands of undertrained or incompetent personnel or the machines themselves fail, there can be tragic consequences for the patient.

If you live in the Miami, Florida area and have suffered an injury during your kidney dialysis treatment, please contact The Cochran firm today and our expert kidney dialysis attorneys will evaluate your claim and advise you on how to proceed during a confidential consultation at no cost to you.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 2:19 PM

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