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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Birth Injuries in Mobile, Alabama

Most babies are born healthy during an uneventful labor and delivery. Sadly, birth complications occur in a small number, and if not handled appropriately, this leads to severe birth defects and birth injuries. Birth injuries may include, but not be limited to, cerebral palsy, Erb's palsy, shoulder dystocia, brachial plexus injury and brain damage causing developmental delays.

A birth injury can be caused by the failure to treat the mother's high blood pressure, the failure to respond to fetal distress, failure to perform an emergency C-section, oxygen deprivation, and injuries caused by vacuum extraction or forceps deliveries.

A birth injury not only injures the child, but hurts the parents, siblings and extended family as well. The physical, emotional and financial toll for families include the cost of providing specialized medical care, rehabilitation services, physical and occupational therapy, special education and nursing care for a special needs child, while adjusting their expectations and dreams for that child.
The birth injury attorneys at The Cochran Firm work with medical experts to investigate every aspect of birth injury cases to identify the causes of the injury, including medical or nursing errors.

If your child was harmed during the birthing process in Mobile, Alabama or the surrounding area, please contact The Cochran Firm today so our experienced birth injury attorneys can recover financial compensation for the losses suffered as a result of your child’s birth injury.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 10:01 AM

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