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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Defective Products in Huntsville, Alabama

Companies that manufacture defective or faulty products can cause serious bodily injury and even death to unsuspecting consumers, and must be held legally accountable for their actions. The Consumer Products Safety Commission says that injuries, deaths and property damage caused by defective consumer products are responsible for costing the American public over $700 billion dollars every year.

Every day consumers buy and use a vast array of products, such as medications, household appliances, automobiles, baby cribs and strollers, toys and pet foods, without a second thought as to the harmful effects these products may have on them, their families or pets.

The legal system in this country is designed to protect innocent consumers against the negligence of manufacturers or distributors of defective products. Damages or financial compensation for injuries can include payment for your pain and suffering, permanent disability inflicted, lost income, rehabilitation costs, disfigurement injuries and any other expenses incurred because of injuries suffered by the use of faulty products.

The experienced defective product attorneys at The Cochran Firm fully understand the complicated litigation involved in product liability cases and can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Please contact the highly skilled defective product attorneys at The Cochran Firm today if you were injured by a defective product in Huntsville, Alabama because we are committed to obtaining justice for our clients and their families.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 9:50 AM

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