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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Defective Products-Chinese Dry Wall in Detroit, Michigan

Thousands of homes in this country were constructed during the past few years using defective, toxic dry wall imported from China. The use of this defective drywall has led to serious illnesses and damage to those homes. The majority of the defective drywall was used between the years of 2004 and 2006, but there are reports of this drywall still being available for sale, waiting to be used by an unsuspecting public.

The defective Chinese drywall emits corrosive gases that have a foul odor, and can damage electrical systems, and the copper and other metals used throughout the home including the heating and cooling systems. The foul odor the drywall emits is reminiscent of rotten eggs and exposure to the drywall is said to be responsible for respiratory problems, nose bleeds, headaches and eye irritation.

Over one hundred thousand homes in the United States are suspected of having defective Chinese drywall installed. Over five hundred million pounds of defective Chinese drywall made it to this country in a three year period.

If you suspect Chinese drywall is the reason for your health problems or you have experienced the damage and destruction of your electrical and heating and cooling systems in your new home for an unknown reason until now, please contact the Detroit, Michigan office of The Cochran Firm today to learn more about this looming catastrophe.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 7:12 AM

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