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Friday, May 14, 2010

Spinal Cord Injury in Atlanta, Georgia

Almost twenty thousand people in this country suffer a spinal cord injury every year. There are, at the present time, over two hundred thousand people living their daily lives coping with the devastating consequences of a spinal cord injury. Automobile accidents are a major contributing factor to the incidence of spinal cord injuries, with falls and sports related injuries also a factor in the number of injuries reported.

A spinal cord injury is usually the result of a sudden, forceful impact to the spine that damages or dislocates the vertebrae. Although some spinal cord injuries have a reasonably good prognosis, most injuries to the spinal cord result in either partial or complete paralysis.

The physical, emotional and financial burdens suffered by victims of spinal cord injuries are immeasurable. The cost of medical care and treatment over the long term can total hundreds of thousands of dollars, and years of pain and suffering.
Since the permanence and severity of a spinal cord injury make this a life-altering occurrence, it is vitally important you have an experienced spinal cord injury attorney on your side to make certain all your legal rights are protected and you obtain the financial compensation you are entitled to.

Residents of the Atlanta, Georgia area who have suffered a spinal cord injury should contact The Cochran Firm today to obtain the representation necessary to obtain justice and the financial compensation you deserve.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 7:04 AM

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