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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Environmental/ Toxic Tort in Houston, Texas

Many in the maritime industries say even though the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion, fire and consequent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has not yet spread to the South Texas coast, its effects are still being felt.

Seafood wholesalers, charter boat owners and other boat operators, as well as fuel and ice suppliers, have all been adversely affected by the oil spill. The fishing grounds traditionally worked by South Texas boats have been closed. Anyone who can prove they have suffered economic losses from this disastrous oil spill in the Gulf can file a lawsuit in a Texas district court that includes projected future losses as well as current losses.

The experienced and knowledgeable environmental and toxic tort attorneys at The Cochran Firm have the resources available to make sure you are compensated for your economic losses as well as your pain and suffering, medical expenses related to the oil spill, emotional stress, loss of enjoyment of life and any other expenses incurred as a result of having to cope with the consequences of this environmental catastrophe.

If you live in the Houston, Texas area and you have questions and concerns regarding the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and how it has or will impact your future, please contact the experienced environmental toxic tort attorneys at The Cochran Firm today and schedule a no cost to you confidential consultation to learn how you can proceed to protect your future and the futures of those you love.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 10:58 AM

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