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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Police Brutality in Sacramento, California

The police are witnesses to the worst in our society on a daily basis while they put their lives at risk every day to protect the public from the criminals in our midst. However, there is no excuse for police brutality or the use of excessive or unnecessary force when dealing with the criminal element or ordinary citizens who come under the scrutiny of the police for whatever reason.

We live in a world of growing uncertainty about who our neighbors are or the man in the street is when confronted with the threat of terrorism, drug trafficking, gang violence and rampant domestic abuse. Police officers are encouraged to get tough on crime and criminals, but reports of police brutality have risen sharply in recent years also.

If you are detained, questioned or arrested by the police, you have certain rights. If you feel your rights have been abused and you have been a victim of police brutality contact the experienced police brutality attorneys at The Cochran Firm immediately and stand up for your rights and fight back with the advice and support of our knowledgeable attorneys against this ugly practice.

If you live in the Sacramento, California area and you feel you or someone you love has been a victim of police brutality, please contact the experienced police brutality attorneys at The Cochran Firm today to protect your legal rights and hold those responsible for your abuse accountable.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:24 AM

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