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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Defective Consumer Products in New York, New York

Defective consumer products can be an annoyance or cause life-threatening injuries and wrongful deaths. A defective consumer product can encompass a can-opener that doesn’t open cans effectively or a defective medical device that causes serious harm and fatalities.

Thousands of Americans are injured every day and suffer traumatic brain injuries in automobile accidents caused by defective tires, severe burns in fires caused by flammable materials used in clothing and furniture, heart attacks and strokes caused by dangerous and defective drugs and our children die in cribs, strollers and baby slings that become instruments of death even when used according to the directions.

The defective consumer products attorneys at The Cochran Firm understand your frustration and have the experience and knowledge to bring those responsible for these life-threatening and life-ending injuries to justice. If you have been the victim of an injury suffered from the use of a defective consumer product, you may be eligible for financial compensation for your pain and suffering, disfigurement, lost income, rehabilitation costs and lost future earning potential.

If you live in the New York, New York area and you have been injured by a defective consumer product, please contact the experienced defective consumer product attorneys at The Cochran Firm today to protect your legal rights and get the financial compensation you deserve.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:17 AM

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