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Monday, August 23, 2010

Spinal Cord Injuries in San Jose, California

A spinal cord injury can devastate your life and challenge you in many ways. If your spinal cord injury was the result of someone else’s negligence or misconduct, the challenges and devastation are accompanied by emotions and psychological stresses that can incapacitate you as well.

Motor vehicle accidents, violent assaults, sports-related injuries, falls and other incidents can cause a spinal cord injury. Over 50% of all spinal cord injuries result in quadriplegia which requires an average hospital admission of ninety-five days at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses.

The cost of medical care and treatment for a victim of a spinal cord injury depends on various factors. A person who is twenty-five years old at the time of their spinal cord injury can expect to be burdened with over $1.5 million of medical costs in their lifetime. This amount does not take into consideration the physical and emotional pain and suffering of the victim, lost wages and other expenses incurred as a result of the spinal cord injury.

The experienced spinal cord injury attorneys at The Cochran Firm know how devastating a spinal cord injury can be since we have decades of experience in helping spinal cord injury victims regain their lives by obtaining the financial compensation they need to meet the challenges they will face for the rest of their lives.

If you live in the San Jose, California area and you or someone you love has suffered a spinal cord injury, please contact the experienced spinal cord injury attorneys at The Cochran Firm today to schedule a no cost to you confidential consultation to learn how you can protect your future by getting the financial compensation you need and deserve.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 8:48 AM

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