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Monday, August 16, 2010

Traumatic Brain Injury and the Elderly in Atlanta, Georgia

A traumatic brain injury is classified as a catastrophic injury because an injury of this magnitude usually culminates in devastating and overwhelming changes to the victim’s life even if they survive the injury to their brain. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is caused by a sudden, violent blow to the head that disrupts brain function.

The majority of traumatic brain injuries are the result of automobile accidents, criminal assaults or sport-related injuries, such as injuries suffered in diving, football or skiing accidents. According to statistics, approximately 1.4 million people sustain traumatic brain injuries annually. Falls are the leading cause of traumatic brain injury in the elderly in the United States.

Risk factors for falls leading to traumatic brain injuries in the elderly include medical conditions and medications, visual impairment, problems with motor skill limitations, and improper footwear. If you combine these risk factors with slippery floors in a restaurant, poorly lit walkways in public areas and torn carpeting in business establishments, the likelihood of an elderly person experiencing a fall resulting in a traumatic brain injury increases dramatically.

The traumatic brain injury attorneys at The Cochran Firm have a great deal of experience in litigating the complex medical and legal issues involved in obtaining justice for our clients who have sustained a traumatic brain injury, no matter their age or the circumstances that caused their injury.

If you live in the Atlanta, Georgia area and you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury, please contact our experienced traumatic brain injury attorneys at The Cochran Firm today.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 8:15 AM

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