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Friday, May 10, 2013

Car Accidents in Parking Lots

Parking lots can be dangerous places, and a large percentage of this nation’s accidents take place in some kind of parking structure. While many parking lot accidents occur at relatively low speeds, they’re still dangerous, and you will likely need our skilled car accident lawyers to help you handle liability and insurance concerns.

Many drivers are so intent on finding a spot in a crowded parking lot that basic safety concerns are forgotten. This can cause:
  • Rear-end collisions
  • Sudden, dangerous stops
  • Front-to-side collisions
Because most parking structures are private property, the usual rules of the road don’t apply, which makes determining fault and liability complicated. That’s why it’s so important to speak with a car accident lawyer about your parking lot collision.

Our car accident lawyer can help you:
  • Pursue a claim against the other driver
  • Pursue a claim against the parking lot owner
  • Deal with the insurance companies
The owners of private lots often try to protect themselves from liability, but they are still responsible for creating a safe lot or parking structure.

If they fail to do so, perhaps because of inadequate lighting or some other issue, they can be held liable for an accident that occurs in their lot.

If you’re looking for an experienced car accident lawyer anywhere in the United States, please contact The Cochran Firm today for a free consultation.

posted by Admin at 9:22 AM

1.800.THE FIRM | 1.800.843.3476

The Cochran Firm handles Civil Litigation and Criminal Defense claims for clients throughout the United States of America. The information on this website does not constitute legal advice nor form an attorney-client relationship.Please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a free consultation.

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