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Monday, November 11, 2013

What to do After a Dog Bite Attack

When you've been the victim of a dog bite attack, the steps you take immediately after the incident are vital. The injury lawyers at The Cochran Firm have seen innocent victims who have lost a chance at justice and compensation as a result of understandable mistakes made in the immediate aftermath of an attack.

Fortunately, protecting yourself and your rights is a relatively simple matter of taking a few steps after the attack. Our injury lawyers recommend you:

·         Speak to the dog's owner. Stay calm and polite, but tell him or her about the attack and get as much information about the dog (such as breed and shot history) as possible.
·         Report the attack to your local animal control department. They'll know if the dog has a history of reported attacks and can take the appropriate action.
·         Seek medical attention, even if you feel fine. You need a medical professional's trained eye, and you'll likely need a series of tests for rabies and other diseases
·         Speak to our injury lawyer. Again, even if you don't think you've suffered a serious injury and you're not planning legal action, it's still a good idea to talk to us about your case. Your initial consultation is free, and it's an opportunity to have your case evaluated.

There's no guarantee of success in personal injury law, but taking the steps outlined above will greatly increase your chances should you pursue legal action.

If you've been hurt by a dog bite and need an experienced injury lawyer, please contact The Cochran Firm today for a free consultation. 

posted by Admin at 9:36 AM

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The Cochran Firm handles Civil Litigation and Criminal Defense claims for clients throughout the United States of America. The information on this website does not constitute legal advice nor form an attorney-client relationship.Please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a free consultation.

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