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Monday, March 23, 2009

Slip and Fall/ Premises Liability

“Premises liability” cases include slip and fall accidents. Premises liability laws are designed to protect the public from the carelessness or negligence of another individual, company, or entity.

The general public, the various corporations, and even government entities in the United States have a duty to keep their premises safe for the public. This is why we require homeowners to shovel their sidewalks and companies to keep their walkways and parking lots clean.

Companies or merchants owe the public a duty to keep their premises reasonably safe. If they breach that duty, and it results in an injury to you or a loved one, you may have a valid legal claim under premises liability laws.

Slip and fall cases are just one common premises liability incidents. The term "slip and fall" is used to describe just that – if you slip, fall, and are injured on someone else’s property because they failed to properly maintain their premises, you may have a slip and fall case.

If you do have a valid slip and fall claim, you may be entitled to receive damages including medical expenses, lost wages, and loss of future wages. Premises liability laws do differ from state to state, however, and it is very important that you seek the advice of an experienced slip and fall premises liability attorney before speaking to anyone else about your case.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to a slip and fall, please contact the experienced premises liability law attorneys at The Cochran Firm, with numerous offices nationwide, today.

posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 6:05 AM

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